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civil protection order


ci•vil pro•tec•tion or•der

A legal order issued by the court to protect individuals from threats, harm, or harassment. It establishes clear boundaries to ensure safety for you and your family. At Gavvl, we provide the support and guidance you need to navigate this serious process with care and confidence.

A Civil Protection Order (CPO) is warranted when an individual faces a credible threat to their safety or well-being. Common circumstances include:

  1. Domestic Violence: Physical harm, attempted harm, or threats of violence from a family or household member, such as a spouse, partner, parent, or cohabitant.

  2. Stalking: Repeated and unwanted actions, such as following, surveillance, or harassment, that cause the victim to fear for their safety.

  3. Harassment: Persistent and unwanted behavior, including verbal abuse, intimidation, or threatening communication, that creates distress or fear.

  4. Sexual Violence: Incidents of sexual assault, abuse, or any non-consensual sexual acts.

  5. Child Abuse or Endangerment: Situations where a child is at risk of harm, abuse, or neglect.

  6. Elder Abuse: Physical, emotional, or financial abuse of an elderly individual by a caregiver or relative.

To obtain a CPO, the petitioner must demonstrate to the court that there is a genuine risk of harm or ongoing danger. Evidence such as police reports, medical records, photographs, or witness statements can strengthen the case. A CPO is designed to provide immediate and enforceable protection for individuals facing these threats.

Comprehensive Flat Fee Support


Comprehensive Flat Fee Support

A lawyer handles every aspect of the civil protection order, from start to finish, giving you comprehensive support and peace of mind throughout the legal process.

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